Sunday, August 12, 2012

Slalom vs. Drifting | Automotive Parts Suppliers

SlalomHave you ever thought about racing your car in such a way that you can almost feel like you’re flying? Have you ever desired to take on slalom racing or car drifting? What are the differences between the two in terms of rules and skills required? How do their racing courses differ when it comes to look and feel? How are the winners in both categories determined?


Slalom is considered as the root of motorsports. One does not need to buy a specific car or customized parts in order to participate in this particular species of racing. Slalom takes place in an enclosed paved area, usually in a parking space of a building, or an airport runway, where pylons or those orange traffic cones are used to create a man-made obstacle course for you and your car. Directions as to how the racers will go about the course will be provided.

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