Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to Avoid Side Mirror Thieves | Automotive Parts Suppliers

It’s been a long day. You walk back to your neatly packed car, eager to drive home for a good night’s rest. But the moment you arrive at your parking spot, you immediately notice that something is missing! Your side mirrors! They’re gone! The thieves were only interested in the wing mirrors, as they scratched up the area around the mirror and broke its frame horribly.  You have heard this story many times before, and you did not expect the same thing to happen to you. Side mirrors, though small in size, are relatively costly to replace nowadays.

Side Mirror ThiefCars with broken or no side mirrors are pretty uncomfortable for drivers. So once one or both of your side mirrors are gone, you have to immediately buy a replacement. This means that you’d also have to purchase the parts that are associated with them, which includes the appropriate cover, frame, and sometimes if affected, even a new rubber gasket and wiring harness. It’s a real stab in the wallet. That is why, in this article, we’ll give you suggestions on how to prevent your side mirrors from being stolen.

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