Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Facts about Turbo Engines | Roberts Automotive and Industrial Parts Manufacturing Corporation

Heads up, car lovers! Turbo cars might just be the next big thing in the automotive industry, but how do you know if they’re the right car for you? “Turbo” is a world that basically signifies the act of going real fast, but unbeknownst to many, turbo engines have other benefits aside from the speed it adds. Here’s a quick know-how in choosing the right engine for you.

Turbo Engine1) Fuel Consumption

Turbo engines are actually smaller compared to regular engines, which make them more fuel efficient. However, the downside in this is that turbo engines normally require a more expensive type of fuel than ordinary engines. Say for example that the turbo engine has only four cylinders compared to the six of a regular engine; this statistic can shoot fuel savings up to 20%.

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