Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What to Do if you Come Across a Corrupt Traffic Enforcer | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Traffic Jams are one of the most annoying things in… life. Cultural cities like Manila and Beijing are all prone to heavy traffic that hinders its possibilities of growth and development. Tourists end up being too scared to drive in the city. Locals continuously hope they don’t get caught in traffic. As a result, the government has to train traffic enforcers to deal with the situation. Traffic enforcers are tasked to lead traffic in the most seamless way possible. At the same time, they are also required to watch for road manners that are against traffic rules and regulations.

Dealing with Corrupt Traffic EnforcersWhile that seems like an honorable job, there are others who use the job as a way to manipulate and take advantage of drivers. Instead of fairly handling situations, corrupt traffic enforcers secretly and subtly ask for “financial compensation”, commonly known as bribes. Bastards. Sometimes, they even go as far as having to wrongly accusing drivers. On the other hand, drivers won’t be able to do something about it. Either they get a ticket and waste quality time on the road or they pay and get on with it.

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