Sunday, October 14, 2012

When to Rotate your Car's Tires | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Rotating your Car's TiresTires are like pencils. If you sharpen one side of a pencil too much, it’ll end up breaking when you use it. Instead, you have to make sure to sharpen every side of the pencil as even as you can. This is similar to driving. When you drive, you end up throwing the weight of your car around, leaving patterns of erosion on the tires. If you use your tires too much without rotating them, you’ll end up wearing out your tires unevenly. This is why it is important to know when to rotate your tires to the right locations.

The wearing out of tires is inevitable. It may be because of the weight dispersion of your car. It may even be because you have an uneven alignment. The tires at the front usually end up with accidental bruises from parking, steering and braking. At the same time, they also carry the weight of the engine. In these situations, the tires in front are likely to wear out faster than those at the back.

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