Sunday, October 30, 2011

Angry or Drunken Driving? Which is worse? | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Angry DrivingPicture this. You are calmly driving on the peaceful road; the sun is shining brightly and the birds are chirping in blissful harmony. It seems that your Sunday afternoon is going to be perfect, but no luck. All of a sudden, a speeding taxi cuts its way through the thin traffic. Nearby drivers, including you, are startled by the reckless, dangerous driving. This makes you mad. Your blood pressure rises as you wave your fist out the window.

Your anger continues to escalate in a way that your skin might as well start turning green. Chances are, you will pick up speed, swerving in and out with a temptation to teach that driver a lesson. Like this nuisance of a taxi, you start cutting other cars in an attempt to catch up to the driver of this taxi so you could honk at him, shout at him, and give him a piece of your mind.

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