Friday, October 7, 2011

Ways to Customize/Personalize Your Car | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Personalize Your CarWant to drive a car that totally screams ‘you’? If so, you might want to consider car customization. It’s an increasingly popular trend among car owners who want to make a statement with their rides. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to break your bank account just to spruce up your car. There are cheap and affordable ways to do it. The best part of all this is that you can even do some of it on your own! Here are some ideas to get you started.


You can instantly one-up your car’s Wow Factor by giving it a new coat of paint. Better yet, go for a custom paint job – there are endless choices of designs, patterns, and colors to choose from. You can also make your own designs, if you’re the creative type. If you haven’t done a custom paint job before, it’s best to consult a professional and let them handle it – although this can set you back a few hundred dollars. But if you want to DIY, just make sure that you know the proper preparations and you have the necessary materials to complete the job. This is a lot more challenging, but definitely cheaper.

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