Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Truth or Myth: The Noisier the Muffler, the More Pollution | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Noise PollutionIt seems that Earth is becoming too small and too crowded because of the continually increasing pollution. Even the types of pollution are multiplying. Way back, I was given a feeling of anxiety and surprise when I became aware of “Noise Pollution”. I wasn’t too thrilled to discover that noise is also classified as pollution. Noise in our planet is slowly becoming more and more disturbing. And things are not going to quiet down anytime soon. Before a temptation to deny sets in, I must say that everyone, including you and me, contributes to the existence noise pollution. Let’s back track on its definition.

Noise Pollution is a type of energy pollution wherein annoying and distracting sounds are audible; they are the additional, unwanted waves that interfere with the usual waves occurring in a particular environment. Sounds are considered noise if it disturbs natural or human processes. This type of pollution can cause a variety of health impairments.

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